import RandomColorButton from “@/components/RandomColorButton”;
Since November of 2019, my website has been powered by Hugo. For those who haven’t heard of it yet; Hugo is a fantastic static-site generator written in Go, which is blazingly fast, has lots of pre-built templates available and is reasonably easy to use.
I was quite happy with Hugo, after I switched themes a few times to find the right one. It was quite nice: Write posts in Markdown, have an automatic RSS feed generated, have the site built and deployed in less than a minute.
Now, at some point I found myself creating and since that needed some dynamic elements (recent recipes, most popular recipes, a search function, servings chooser), I decided to create that site using Next.JS. Next.JS is a React framework created by Vercel, which gives you a few nice things out of the box, namely:
- Server-Side-Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG)
- API Routes
- Image optimization
- Internationalization (i18n)
After creating with Next.JS (which I will hopefully write about at some point), I was quite pleased with its developer experience. Most things “just work” and the automatic SSR and SSG are great for SEO and JavaScript-disabled devices. Also, React gave me the flexibility to easily add dynamic elements to the site wherever I wanted.
The case for Next.JS
The flexibility was probably also the reason that tipped me over to decide to re-create my website using Next.JS. I wanted to do a re-design anyway and instead of using the rather inflexible nature of a static site generator, I chose to go with a DIY solution, which also provides me with more freedom and flexibility.
Since I now write my posts in MDX instead of just Markdown, I have the option to include dynamic elements like so:
This is both fun and potentially useful, since sometimes, things are just better explained with an example. Also, I can now provide richer experiences in my posts. But not only posts can now be dynamic. I could have my latest commits from GitHub or my most-contributed-to repositories listed on a projects page and have them be updated in realtime by rendering fetching the information on the server during the page rendering.
Another reason for choosing Next.JS is it’s easy themability compared to Hugo or other static site generators. While you would have to create templates rendering some pre-defined parameters for Hugo, you decide how your website is rendered in NextJS. Don’t like MDX? Write your posts directly in JSX/HTML. Or fetch them from a CMS. Or put them as plain text into a database and fetch them from there (even though that’s probably not a good idea 😅). Also, you don’t have to weirdly force webpack into a static site generator to be able to use autoprefixer/PostCSS when writing styles. Just choose and React styling option you already know and like. Another bit benefit regarding styling for me was the potential to re-use components I wrote for Things played out differently, and I re-created the components from scratch, but I’m now planning to flesh them out a bit more and create a personal design system from them, which I will then apply to and could re-use in future projects.
The drawbacks
Now, creating a personal website and blog with Next.JS isn’t all sunshine and roses. There are a few hoops to jump through. First of all, Next.JS isn’t built for creating blogs.
When you use something like Jekyll or Hugo, you automatically get something like Markdown-to-HTML rendering.
Not so much with Next.JS, you’ll have to do it on your own (well, only the plumbing part, since there are great libraries to do that already).
Also, nice things like hugo new posts/whatever
to create a new post with template frontmatter don’t exist out of the box.
This is expected of course, if I would have wanted a better out of the box experience with React for blogging, I’d probably gone with Gatsby, which is configured via plugins.
The same applies to RSS/Atom feeds. Want them? Create them yourself. For now, I’ve only implemented basic support where the body of the article is only its description instead of the actual full content.
But I plan to get back to it at some point and properly render the MDX blog posts to the feeds.
Another issue I mostly had while building NoNonsenseCooking is that Next.JS’s serverless functions (which are used to do SSR) don’t have proper file-system access. This could be an issue in the future when adding more dynamic content to this site, though I’ve found ways to work around it.
Final thoughts
As of now, I’m quite happy with Next.JS and how my “new” website turned out. Yes, there are quite a few things I had to do manually which were taken care of for me with Hugo, but I actually quite liked doing those things. I’m a tinkerer after all 😉